Stephanies Dog Cracker
During my lovely stay at my airbnb host Stephanie I tried good cracker. Apparently those were her d [...]
Thore 2017-03-14T16:04:27+01:00 Tue, Mar 7th, 2017|Categories: Freeletics, New Zealand, Travel|Tags: experience, hike, hiking, Mountains, natural park, nature, outdoor|
Always cycling is too boring so I went for a day hike in Tongariro National Park - Alpine Crossing. [...]
Thore 2017-03-10T03:24:50+01:00 Sun, Mar 5th, 2017|Categories: Freeletics, New Zealand, Travel|
...oh yes. I've never attended an Ironman as full day supporter. Now I had the chance to support my [...]
Thore 2017-03-05T15:33:04+01:00 Sat, Mar 4th, 2017|Categories: New Zealand, Travel|Tags: cycling, experience, Mountains, nature, outdoor|
I'm lucky! I have great weather! I'm in great mood! I'm outdoors! I'm healthy & fit! I'm surrou [...]
Thore 2017-03-22T17:09:05+01:00 Wed, Mar 1st, 2017|Categories: Meat, Recipes|Tags: bbq, experience, homemade|
During my time in Sunshine Coast I had great BBQ with Inga and Paul. He prepared awesome pork ribs, [...]
Thore 2017-03-03T11:09:37+01:00 Sun, Feb 26th, 2017|Categories: New Zealand, Travel|
What a great welcome to Auckland, New Zealand! It couldn't have been better. Grace, who I met in Nep [...]