What else could I have asked for my birthday? Inga and Paul took me out on a day trip to Double Island…love Australian beaches!
- Double Island Beach
- Double Island Beach
It’s a 45 minutes drive up north from Sunshine Coast until you reach a little ferry that takes you to the island for 7 AUD, they also limit the daily visitor to the area at max 2.500 so it’s never crowded. We went on a Tuesday so even less people, guess in total 100. The beach we stayed the day had only 3 cars parked – it was fantastic!
Perfect day with sunshine, BBQ, surfing, beach fun and seafood platter overkill.
- Double Island Beach
- Double Island Beach
- Protein overload
- Prawns & Morton Bay Bugs
- Double Island Beach
- Double Island Beach
Can’t remember when I last had such a relaxed birthday – usually it’s winter and cold around that time in Europe. Driving on the beach with snakes, jellyfish & seagulls.
- Thore the BBQ master
- Beach Burpees
- Birthday Cake
- Cake Cutting
- Thore in Paradise
- Thore in Paradise
- Thore in Paradise
- Happy & Happy Birthday
Did also some Burmese on the beach and finished my 2.500 burpee this year, 10% of my annual goal achieved – way to go.
It was a day I’ll never forget. So much fun with Inga’s lovely family. I will be back!
Happiness is exuding from this post Thore! I’m so happy you had such a memorable day mixing in life’s best… friends like family, a beautiful beach, sun, exercise, and great food/drinks. So happy for you!
Yes Jen – happy days!
Just a real perfect day…