I didn’t post a travel story for a very long time. 3 months and I already got questions if I’m alright because my blog flow dried out…guys, thanks for checking back on me. Yeah I’m very well & happy.
Since I returned to Berlin in June I spent a lot of time with my family, especially my sister Thorid Clara & niece, my cousin Tina & her kids, but also with my good friends.
I traveled for 9 months, most of the time solo and enjoyed the time, especially the time I was on my bike in New Zealand – quality thinking & reflecting time. But I also realised how precious my family & friends are to me. I was little tired from traveling and homesick – so I took a travel break (put South America on hold) and enjoyed Berlin summer. Okay, those who know me – I couldn’t just stay in my Berlin base without any short trips.
This summer my best friend Ronny asked me if I’d like to join them to Denmark. He, Silja, Sarah, Nils, Katja & Celly booked a nice holiday cottage for two weeks. It’s south of Denmark at the coast of the Baltic Sea. It didn’t take long for me to decide, just that I don’t have a kid, I mean at least I don’t know…..! They all have lil lovely terrorist. But I knew that my niece would love to spend some time with other kids and (maybe) with her Uncle Thore.
Nature, relaxed time, outdoor activity, lots of fun, good food, snacks & alcohol. Does this sound like me? Yes it does!!!
Did some more short trips in the meantime to Wolfenbüttel, Hamburg, St. Petersburg & Italy. Visiting old friends and new friends I met along the road. Life is good and I’m once again grateful that I can do what I’m doing now.
To put all in here would challenge your reading attention span so I’m just putting some random pictures here, giving you some idea of my last months in Europe
- Happy times
- Boat Trip
- Nature
- Ayran or Beer
- Ice Cream Time
- Best Buddies
- White Nights
- St. Petersburg
- Park Party
- No words
- Friends Dinner
And I cooked again, missed my kitchen… so see what I made these days.
As I’m off for new cycling adventures I’m keen to cook more & with you in your kitchen. You source the ingredients & we are going to cook together – but make sure you’re well stocked with Sauvignon Blanc. ?
- Takoyaki Boy
- Breakfast in Garden
- Charcoal grilled Steak
- Trout Mousse
- Squid Lunch
- Sirniki with Caviar
- Georigian Aubergine rolls
- Deer & Spaetzle
- Awesome Burger
- Awesome Pork Roast
- Mushroom Pumpkin Risotto
- Poached Egg on Avocado
- Awesome Roast
- Avocado Chocolate Mousse
- Deer Pate & Gazpacho
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