After too many days in the city of Ho Chi Minh I was due to move my legs. So I decided to go on a little trek to Edersee. Checked on Google Maps and it was walking distance, initially wanted to go around the lake to make it a nice round, but unfortunately the street has not been finished around the lake. Asked locals if they can take me with the boat but at this point of time no boat business yet. Hence I finished my day with 31km and sore legs. Most of the tour is on proper concrete – was passed by many scooters and all were super surprised that I’m walking and not driving….hehe
Have a look at the pictures, nice lake at the end, when I first saw it – lots of rubbish in it….same as in many parts of Vietnam.
- Edersee south Da Lat
- Edersee south Da Lat
- Edersee south Da Lat – south part very nice
- Edersee south Da Lat, romanic paths
See more pictures here.
- Edersee south Da Lat
- Edersee, view from little cafe
- Edersee, romanic spot for weddings
- Edersee, north part very dirty
- My tour to Edersee
- These shoes are made for walking
Amaze balls Thore!!!!
Haha, if I think that I signed up for 50k hike in Taiwan before. That was crazy.
But thanks Donna
Lovely fotos 😉
keep us up to date…
Mr Marco Polo
Will do – your Marco Polo!