We’ve been so lucky to see Mt. Cook at best weather. Hiked Mueller Hut and Hooker Lake….so happy
- Cloudy valley
- Mueller Hut
- Mueller Hut
- Hooker Lake
Met up with Harmke in Mt. Cook Village again, she’s a passionate hiker so we teamed up to hike up to Mueller Hut the next day. Distance isn’t much of a challenge, only 16km return, but it’s steep stairs and paths with 1.200m ascent. You can stay over night, but since the YHA hostel we stayed in was so nice we decided to return the same day and enjoy the sunset in the valley with a sauna visit later.
- Conquerer
- Impressive
- Love it
- Harmke and me
- Happy Hiker
- Stunning lake
- Foto Time
- Mt. Cook
- Lake Hooker
Beautiful day, clouds disappeared after an hour of hike and blue sky opened up…amazing views were waiting for us…next day easy tour to Lake Hooker…its a Glacier lake where ice blocks swim in there – pretty damn cold. Didn’t dare to take a dip there.
- Our Route
- Ice rock swimmers
- Fit Hikers
- Mt. Cook at sunset
- Lake Hooker trek
- Thinking…
- Empty handed but happy
- Hooker Lake
I’m still feeling my legs after these two days of hiking, fortunately muscles I use for riding are different from hiking so I was fine…now south again. Cycling into Twizel
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