I decided to stay in Phnom Penh for a night to get my Vietnam visa done and see the Killing Fields as well Tuol-Sleng Interrogation Camp S21…

All this immediately reminded me of our German history and the crazy shit has happened in our past. Basically the same century.

It happen, that Pol Pot the Khmer leader wanted to establish a new Cambodia with only farmers, tend to kill everybody with a higher education, relocated many people from the cities into the countryside to work on farms….

The walk through the Killing field & S21 with listening to the audio guide was very touching and one can only get a little sense of the full picture. Pol Pot was responsible for a massive genocide, under his regime he killed 25% of the population, about 3 million people in just little more than 3 years. I didn’t know about this dimension.

This was a heavy day and all of our group was very silent the way back. We were left with our thoughts….