??Swiss ? Chicken Cordon Bleu ??
Switzerland and Cheese! That goes well together. Hence cooked Swiss Chicken Cordon Bleu with Melan [...]
Thore 2017-09-22T15:55:22+02:00 Fri, Sep 22nd, 2017|Categories: Germany, Switzerland, Travel|Tags: cycling, experience, friends, homemade, homestay, Mountains, nature, outdoor, travel|
Eisenschwein wanted to see Switzerland so we make our way to Freiburg as a stop towards Zurich & [...]
Thore 2017-09-18T17:31:30+02:00 Sun, Sep 17th, 2017|Categories: Germany, Travel|Tags: cooking, cycling, family, friends, homemade, homestay, nature, travel|
And my tour with Eisenschwein went on, to be honest not so much cycling in Frankfurt area, more a [...]